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Curators of talents

From the Latin – curare – to take care.

At Fanjul&Ward, we take care of talent.

We are passionate about making sure that great talent is accompanied by great success.

We believe that holistically successful artists can, do and will make a significant impact on the future of our world.

As such, we support their success in two very specific areas:

Representamos talentos

Nos aseguramos que las personas adecuadas en los lugares correctos sepan todo sobre ellos; perfilando y posicionando a los artistas de forma precisa a través de diversos medios – nuevos y antiguos – además de crear y fortalecer redes con productores y directores artísticos y otros artistas exitosos y afines.

We represent talent

We make sure that the right people in the right places know all about them; precise profiling and positioning of artists through various media – new and old – together with reaching out to create and strengthen networks with producers and artistic directors and other like-minded successful artists.

We accompany talent

We make sure that artists get the right kind of support – whatever that is – to help them take care of their success long term. Knowing that the artist is the seed of her or his success, then it is critical that the artist is as solid and firmly planted in himself/herself as possible. This means accompanying each individual, ensuring that they know how best to take care of themselves – body, mind and wealth – looking after the business of their art, the happiness of their heart and creating stability and longevity in what they love doing.


We know that talent attracts talent. For that reason, what we do is not for everyone. We want to work only with those musicians who seek to continue growing, learning and performing as integral people. We are looking for talented and dedicated artists, whose desire is not only personal success, but recognize that they were born to share their greatness.

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Caroline Ward

People Development

The greatest strength of Caroline is her faith in and ability to inspire others to go out into the world and be their best. She is a naturally creative thinker capable of generating divergent solutions in any moment and she believes that although tradition plays its part, the future belongs to that which we are creating right here and now. Caroline brings together strategies from a diverse range of disciplines to deliver high performance results. She has applied these capabilities in a range of fields including the arts where she negotiated a new fee structure for the entire profession in her home country, Australia, increasing the artists´ income by 50%. She is a specialist in personal and collective transition and transformation. She was a coach before there was such a thing. She is skillful in the more subtle aspects of business meaning she can detect emergent trends and intuit the path to follow with sharp clarity, even recognizing future obstacles and how to overcome them. She loves to negotiate, create opportunities, and help others to be bold, brave and shine their light to the maximum.

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Angélica Fanjul

Career Development

Angelica is a natural producer. Coordinator of national and international seminars. Pioneer in creating shared value, bringing together government sectors, businesses, NGOs, academics and media. She was at the forefront of the environmental movement in Chile, developed national policies and practices to include the voice of the citizens. She is a passionate social leader whose political understanding allows her to read the public frame, the press and context, and thus knowing where and when to enter the market with an artist. She has designed, collaborated and directed a series of transformation projects that were always purpose-driven, working with communities and countries, involving leaders from all fields of work. Angelica loves people, the arts and artists. Her networks are vast and she has a great capacity to build strong and trusted relationships at all levels. She cares deeply and is deeply caring.

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